The Holy Year has its origins going back to the Bible, where a Jubilee was a time when debts were cancelled, slaves and prisoners were freed, and rest was given to the land and to the people.
Since 1300 the Catholic Church has celebrated Holy Years as times of reconciliation and forgiveness. In a Holy Year the whole Church throughout works together to make a new start, and to avail ourselves of God’s ever- present mercy.
In Rome there are Holy Doors at the four major basilicas. Visiting these churches enables pilgrims to gain the Plenary Indulgence. This means being freed not only from sin, but of its consequences. We can gain an indulgence for ourselves or for those who have died. To gain indulgences is a great act of faith, hope, and charity.
For those who cannot travel to Rome, other places around the world have been designated as pilgrimage sites, where the Jubilee Indulgence may also be gained.
St Wilfrid’s, the Mother Church of the City of York, is one such place of pilgrimage. The founder of the Oratory, St Philip Neri, was moved by the numbers of pilgrims coming to Rome for the Holy Years in his time, so that he set up a confraternity to wash the feet of pilgrims, to feed them, and to give them somewhere to stay.
It is in this spirit of St Philip that we welcome you to the Oratory during this Holy Year. Pope Francis has chosen Hope as the special theme of this Jubilee. Hope is shown by all who make pilgrimage, setting out joyfully towards our homeland in Heaven.
The Indulgence may be gained by making a devout visit to the Oratory Church, praying for the Holy Father’s intentions, and then by going to Confession and Holy Communion.
This leaflet sets out a possible journey of prayer around our church. You can use it to make your visit. If you follow the route around the church, you are following St Philip’s own advice to go from altar to altar, begging the saints for their intercession.
We have suggested a prayer you could use at seven different locations around the church. If you are standing in the porch, facing into the church, go through the door on your left, turn left again, and go into the shrine of Our Lady of York. Then continue clockwise around the church.
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