On Saturday 21st October we had a wonderful parish trip to Bishop Auckland, to admire the many marvels of the Spanish Gallery. Our talk on Sunday followed on this, starting with a summary of the Golden Age of painting in Spain (250 years of history!), followed by a discussion. Our parishioners shared which works of art had struck them from the Spanish Gallery and why, and we reflected on the many ways in which museums can convey ideas, meanings and beliefs.

Rose Heslop and Irene Altares, art historians and parishioners of the York Oratory, deliver a series of talks on the relations between art and Christianity followed by discussion. Every session looks at a specific topic or artist to ask questions about art, beauty and faith.The Barocci Group meets on the third Sunday of every month, 2.30 - 3.30, in the Upper Room of the Oratory Church. Check the York Oratory newsletter and website for details of forthcoming talks.

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